
Attendance Policy

Students in this course are required to follow the AUS Attendance Policy as outlined in the AUS Undergraduate Catalog.

Attendance will be taken in each class. As stipulated in the AUS Handbook, missing more than 15% of class meetings (i.e. more than 5 classes) may lead to a withdrawal from this course. I do not distinguish between “excused” and “unexcused” absences (with the exception of university-sponsored events). Being ill is a good reason to be absent; taking a day-trip with a beloved relative may also be a good reason. I am not a judge of what is more or less valid. You are adults with your own lives and capable of making your own decisions. My advice is to “use” absences wisely and sparingly with your good judgment.

Please communicate with me if you plan to be or are absent. If an emergency arises during the semester that may require several absences, be sure to communicate with me as soon as possible in order to ensure your continued success in the course.

In the event that you do miss a class for any reason, you are responsible for the material covered in that class, including assignments, announcements, handouts, etc., and for any preparation required for the following class.

Late Submission and Missed Work Policy 

All deadlines are provided in the syllabus and on iLearn.

Other assessments have assigned deadlines. Late submissions may face a 10% grade reduction for every day late. Please communicate with me before a given deadline if you are having trouble or anticipate missing a deadline so that we can discuss options.

There is no “extra credit” in this course.

Grading and Feedback

The grading distribution for this course is as follows:

AssessmentWeightDue Date (Week #)
Reading Preparation (Lit Circles & Annotations)15%Weekly
Blog Post10%Per Schedule
Collaboration Project20%Week 7
Street Art Project25%Week 11
Final Exam Portfolio25%Finals Week

Cumulative weighted averages for the course are available to students in live time on iLearn. The course uses the Department of English grading scale as published in the syllabus. 

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

Students are advised that violations of the Student Academic Integrity Code will be treated seriously and can lead to suspension or dismissal from the university. A notation of the academic integrity code violation can become part of the student’s permanent record.

Academic violations include but are not limited to:

  • Plagiarism
  • Inappropriate Collaboration
  • Inappropriate Proxy, including AI-generated Writing
  • Dishonesty in Examinations and Submitted Work
  • Work Completed for One Course and Submitted to Another
  • Deliberate Falsification of Data
  • Interference with Other Students’ Work
  • Copyright Violations
  • Complicity in Academic Dishonesty

Students MUST read the Student Academic Integrity Code outlined in the AUS Undergraduate Catalog and abide by the standards for academic conduct, students’ rights and responsibilities and procedures for handling allegations of academic dishonesty.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities 

Students can expect all accommodation needs to be met. Please communicate with me as soon as possible if you require accommodations so that we can plan accordingly. 

AUS information for students with disabilities can be found here: https://www.aus.edu/academics/services-and-resources/academic-support-center/academic-accommodations-for-students-with-disabilities 

Technology Requirements

For this course, we will be using the following digital technologies and web tools:

  • iLearn/Blackboard — for course information, assessment submissions, and online classes if needed
  • Course website
  • Perusall — for taking annotations on course readings
  • Google Drive — for class session slides (interactive) and additional materials and activities

You need to have the following technological capacities:

  • Internet connection — for Perusall annotations, some readings, and online classes if needed